Thursday 12 December 2013

The role of a writer

What changes had to be made from the original book to the screen play?

For everything in the book, not all of it could be adapted to film due to the incredibly large amount of detail through each scene. The main changes were the length of time which scenes would release plot details and that some characters could not be included because they have little to none inclusion of advancing the plot.

Making larger roles for the female characters s in the film?

There was a need update the original book with strong and relatable women. All the women have been changed to show their dominance within the fields of the story such as Arwen's character was a short poem within the book but was upgraded to interact with Aragorn a lot more to provide him with wisdom and advice. Having females when the book was mostly male predominate gives the audience more to relate too and helps gives the story more depth when concerning relationships and other advice. 

Taking out (omitting) certain characters in the film.

Some characters in the book couldn't be added into the film due to them not progressing to story in cinema terms. Tom Bombadil was cut from the Fellowship Of The Ring because of time and budget constraints and also how the character didn't progress the story line in terms of cinema story telling. There are other character who Peter Jackson decided to cut out for valid reasons such as the "Gray Company" but again he states that these disappearances from the final edit are for the better because of how long the film is already and it could have been even longer if certain characters that had been dropped had stayed in.

Writing an Exposition (what has happened before the film starts) scene for the beginning of the film.

There was a major need to have some back story before advancing with the main. Showing the fight between the Elves and Sauron showed the audience how the ring was meant to be destroyed but was kept and began to make the link between the two parts of the story. It bridges the gap just enough to understand how the ring has become the center of attention and leads up nicely to how Bilbo Baggins has it in his possession.

Working with the actors as characters to create some parts of the script.

The actors were given rough scripts and came up with clever and ingenious plots and scenes where they developed their characters even more. The actors for the Hobbits were the most insightful as they grouped up and played out their scenes trying to get into the mindset. The scenes were also some of the actors vision when the script writers and directors couldn't imagine what the scene should be. At all times they referred back to Tolkien's book as the bible making sure that they didn't stray to far off the path but just enough so that they were still making an adaptation of The Lord Of The Rings.